So many questions. How did they get the butter to eat grass? Do I want to eat butter that can now consume things? Is feeding grass to butter supposed to be a good thing? Is that how herbal butter gets made? Will the butter decide to try flesh next? Should I fear the butter?

Ya’ll, I am a gosh-durned, no-brained, long eared, dim-witted, eejit! I forgot that I am on call this weekend at work and as such I cannot stream as I have tickets. I apologize. Catch ya’ll Tuesday.

AGDQ 2025 starts this Sunday! So excited! Can’t wait! #AGDQ2025 #Charity #SpeedRunning B8BFE01A-B734-452D-A142-E519DB306548.jpg

I now stream with the power of the sun! 66862B01-29C9-455B-A86B-A7C09ACA113D.jpg

Going #LiveOnTwitch at 9 eastern with some more #Snowrunner tonight. Still working in Austria with more fun and more farming to be done! Come hang out and vibe with the #Lo-FiTruckGuy.

Radiolab illustrated to me that I don’t have an optimistic outlook on things. Misery loves company—They said when you are suffering, being around others makes you feel better. I always took this to mean that if you were miserable, you would lash out to make other people suffer alongside you.

A very merry Christmas and happy holidays to all out there! I hope everyone has time to reconnect with your families, eat lots of good food, and find some time to enjoy peace and quiet. The best to all. I hope the next 12 months bless us in more ways than we could hope.

Had some great fun today and tonight. Watched It’s a Wonderful Life for the first time ever and I got to play some games with friends because my wife loves me and knows that inside I’m really only 10. Thanks for carrying me today without complaining bobbuslee and

This week has been crazy and wild. I’m finally getting a chance to sit down and catch my breath for a bit. I think I’ve been pushing myself very hard, just trying to keep distracted from what I fear may be coming. Hopefully, I’m wrong about potential outcomes and everything runs along great! But keeping myself busy has made for positive results. I have a new website, and I’m a tiny bit proud of it. All was done in a text editor by me. I know it is very basic and a bit janky, but that is just my style.

Also recently got my Twitch 2024 Recap. 278 new followers, 4.35K hours watched, and 50K chat messages sent in my channel! <3 You all have made this year truly amazing! I am so lucky to have been blessed with your presence whether it be 5 minutes or 12 months! Thank YOU!! #TwitchRecap2024