
January 2025

How does one remain optimistic without being crushed? I want to be that person who always looks at the bright side of life. It just feels like whenever I start to think things are going to work out and be great is when I get hurt the worst. Where do people find that balance of being optimistic …

Join me tonight at 9 eastern as we continue working through Austria! Here is another cl4ycode for your bank accounts!! unclamped-neurotic-constrict

Thanks to I have decided to remove my Instagram account. You can still find all of the same content on my PixelFed page here: Please feel free to follow me there!

Shoshin: Shoshin is a concept from Zen Buddhism that means “beginner’s mind”. It refers to keeping yourself flexible and approaching learning with an open, eager mind and trying to eliminate your preconceptions. I think it is better described by a practitioner of Buddhism. In the mind of the student there …

Last stream we chose chaos! Wound up giving away 8 games and you lot broke me with all the love and support <3 Today we’re heading back for more #Snowrunner. Look forward to seeing you there.

Holy smokes last night was phenomenal! I was and am overwhelmed by the generosity and support from the community! You all broke me and talking became very difficult. All I can say is thank you so much! #Twitch #BrokenStreamer #ThankYou

Sorry everyone. I had a super long and stressful day at work today. I have a pounding headache and I’m exhausted. No stream tonight, but AGDQ is live so go give them a chance.… #TiredStreamer #Headache #AGDQ2025

Breath of the Wild? 2 players 1 controller? Let’s go!!! #AGDQ2025 #Zelda #BotW #BreathOfTheWild #2p1c…

AGDQ 2025 HAS BEGUN!!!!! #AGDQ2025 #AwesomeGamesDoneQuick #SpeedRunning #Charity

So many questions. How did they get the butter to eat grass? Do I want to eat butter that can now consume things? Is feeding grass to butter supposed to be a good thing? Is that how herbal butter gets made? Will the butter decide to try flesh next? Should I fear the butter?

Ya’ll, I am a gosh-durned, no-brained, long eared, dim-witted, eejit! I forgot that I am on call this weekend at work and as such I cannot stream as I have tickets. I apologize. Catch ya’ll Tuesday.

AGDQ 2025 starts this Sunday! So excited! Can’t wait! #AGDQ2025 #Charity #SpeedRunning

I now stream with the power of the sun!

Going #LiveOnTwitch at 9 eastern with some more #Snowrunner tonight. Still working in Austria with more fun and more farming to be done! Come hang out and vibe with the #Lo-FiTruckGuy.

Perseverance: This is the word that will define 2024 for me. 2024 has been one wild ride for this lowly husband-dad-streamer-podcaster-photographer. There were many highs and lows these last 12 months. In fact, one of the worst lows in my life happened not that long ago. I had been working for a company called …

December 2024

Radiolab illustrated to me that I don’t have an optimistic outlook on things. Misery loves company—They said when you are suffering, being around others makes you feel better. I always took this to mean that if you were miserable, you would lash out to make other people suffer alongside you.

A very merry Christmas and happy holidays to all out there! I hope everyone has time to reconnect with your families, eat lots of good food, and find some time to enjoy peace and quiet. The best to all. I hope the next 12 months bless us in more ways than we could hope.

Had some great fun today and tonight. Watched It’s a Wonderful Life for the first time ever and I got to play some games with friends because my wife loves me and knows that inside I’m really only 10. Thanks for carrying me today without complaining bobbuslee and …

This week has been crazy and wild. I’m finally getting a chance to sit down and catch my breath for a bit. I think I’ve been pushing myself very hard, just trying to keep distracted from what I fear may be coming. Hopefully, I’m wrong about potential outcomes and everything runs along great! But …

Also recently got my Twitch 2024 Recap. 278 new followers, 4.35K hours watched, and 50K chat messages sent in my channel! <3 You all have made this year truly amazing! I am so lucky to have been blessed with your presence whether it be 5 minutes or 12 months! Thank YOU!! #TwitchRecap2024

Just checked out my Steam year in review and I’m surprised that I earned 325 achievements and played 18 new games this year! #Steam #SteamReplay

I stole this idea from someone else. I don’t know who. The CEO of Arizona Iced Tea after reading the news last week. I have no sympathy for the leadership of companies that exploit average people every day. How many thousands of people have lost their lives or been financially crippled because their …

Make mistakes. Be wrong. Fail.: Many times in my life; I’ve let a fear of failing or embarrassing myself stop me from even attempting new things. I am now attempting many of those same things. I have not become more brave or bold in my years; I’ve simply heard some wisdom from others that spoke to me on a deep level, and from that …

I haven’t been able to pee for just over a week now. Every time I go into the restroom, there is a llama staring at me. #ShyBladder #StickersEverywhere #GirlDad

My Boat is Full of Holes: She was once a proud and noble vessel. Unfortunately, she was underway and out to sea for too long without proper maintenance. Before we realized it, we were in dangerous waters and had been overtaken by pirates. Our new “captain” pulled every bit of loot he could from our vessel and then scuttled …

Why is Family the Way They Are?: Oh boy, today has been terrible. Inhale 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Exhale 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Feel better? I do. Now maybe I can tell you my story. I woke up this morning with a nearly six-hour drive daring me to try to conquer it. Despite the large portion of my life that I’ve spent behind the wheel; I …

#PTSG Hang out on this brisk Snowrunner Saturday morning. Let’s chill and vibe. Come on in and join the fun! Look forward to seeing you there! Twitch

December 5th was opening night for Pliny the Elder’s newest part. She had been cast as Cassie in this play. She is on stage as much as anyone, or more. You could say I’m one proud papa. This is the first time I’ve seen her become a character and not just recite lines. About twenty minutes into the …

A friend of mine makes these amazing little 3D prints! Check them out over at The little guys like this possum are only a buck each! Great little stocking stuffers.

Test post.: Test post from app to platform.

I guess the first thing you are supposed to say is……Hello world.